(bearbeiten im Modul "Kundenvorteile")
Shipping and payment
The aerofly adapter #31040 is required if you want to connect your transmitter with a 3.5mm mono trainer plug via cable to the IKARUS USB interface #3031010.
Adapter for the following transmitter:
Graupner/JR: 3,5mm mono connector: e,g: MX-12, MX-16, MX-22, MC-24
Graupner/JR: e.g. X-347, X-387, X-388, X-756, 3810, 652, 8103, 6102/2610, 9X/9303, 10X
Spektrum: 3,5mm mono connector, e.g. LPD5; DX-8; DX-5; DX7; DX-6; DX-10; DX-18