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The AeroflyFS2 flight simulator for Windows offers excellent scenery graphics and extremely realistic flight physics. Support for VR headsets and TrackIR !
Fly in an Airbus A320 or Boeing 747 and fly over the famous Golden Gate Bridge or land at San Francisco International Airport. A large selection of aircraft and over 200 airfields in the west of the USA are already included. ILS, VOR or NDB navigation aids are available during the flight. In addition, a particularly realistic lighting system with exact runway lighting and PAPI lights helps you to land the aircraft safely.
At the beginning you can take part in the interactive flight school, which teaches the basics of flying to beginners as well as advanced pilots in 21 missions. Aerofly FS2 is also open to add-ons and provides an SDK that allows you to create your own content.
You can use any USB Flight Simualtor Joystick like a Logitech Extreme 3D or if you still flying flying the R/C simulator aeroflyRC you also can use your RC Flight Controller#3036012